Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Can I access my healthcare records?
You are entitled to apply for access to your healthcare records. Enquiries and applications for a copy of your records fall under the Data Protection Act.
For more information visit the Data Protection and Healthcare Records page.
Q2. Can I get language interpreting / advocacy support for my hospital appointment?
The Trust has a multi-lingual health advocacy service. This is a free service which can arrange for an interpreter to be present when you speak to your healthcare professional.
Q3. Can I see a consultant without a GP referral?
No. Consultants normally require a referral from your GP. The referral will explain to the consultant why you need an appointment and any medical issues or concerns the GP may have.
Q4. How can I be certain that my concerns have been taken seriously?
All issues raised are fed into a process of continual analysis in order that any particular areas which need addressing can be implemented (i.e. changes in policy, training, information, literature etc).
In addition, regular reports on PALS activity are presented to Clinical Governance in order to illustrate identified themes and trends highlighted by members of the public who use NHS services.
Q5. How can I contact someone from PALS?
To contact someone from the PALS Office you can either contact us be telephone or in writing. The contact details are as follows:
The PALS Office
The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
SY10 7AG
Telephone: 01691 404606 / 01691 404608
Q6. How can I find out about local accommodation facilities around the area?
There are many accommodation facilities in the local area. Switch board and the PALS Office also have a list of local bed and breakfast accommodation and hotels within a short distance of the Trust.
There is on site accommodation at the hospital available to patients, relatives and carers in the nurses home residence. There are single, double and family rooms and access to a shared kitchen and bathroom.
Q7. How can I make a complaint if I am unhappy with the service I received?
It is important to initially talk to a member of staff who is looking after you. However, if they are unable to help or if you are still dissatisfied you can make a complaint using the trust complaints procedure.
For more information, click here or contact the PALS Office at or 01691 404606 / 01691 404608.
Q8. How can I make or change my hospital appointment?
If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please contact our appointments department as soon as possible so we can give you a new appointment and give your old slot to another patient.
Q9. How do I book non-emergency patient transport for my hospital appointment?
Patients must have a medical need to qualify for transport. An assessment will need to be carried out by our transport officers. More information can be found here.
Q10. How do I get benefit information?
To receive benefit information you can call the benefit enquiry line as they will have more information on benefits and will be able to help you with any queries you may have. Their contact number is 0800 882200.
Q11. How do I know my information is safe? Confidentiality and Consent
The staff at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust are bound by a code of confidentiality. They must not pass on information about you without your permission, except to other people involved with your treatment, and other health professionals who need to know the information.
For more information, visit the confidentiality and consent page.
Q12. How do I make a donation to the Trust?
If you would like to make a donation to the Trust, however large or small, it will help us with our work. All donations will be acknowledged and information can also be provided on regular donations through banker's orders, gift aid, legacies etc.
Q13. I am interested in doing some volunteer work at the Hospital, who can I speak to about this?
Q14. I would like to get involved in improving and developing Patient Services at RJAH
The Trust is committed to involving and consulting with patients and the public in the running of our hospitals, planning improvements and making changes for services. We are looking for current and past patients to join our Patient Panel which meets to discuss Trust policies, plans and developments.
Q15. If I am an overseas visitor can I receive treatment in this hospital?
The Department of Health issues instructions regarding Overseas Patients (i.e. someone not ordinarily resident in the UK) and eligibility for treatment. Trust policy follows these instructions.
For further information and advice call 01691 404307 or visit the Private Patients page.
Q16. Religious and Multi Faith requirements
To find out the religious and multi faith requirements, visit the Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care page.
Q17. What are the private patient treatment contact details?
Q18. Where can I find information about aids for use in the home?
Contact your local Social Servie Department who will arrange for an assessment of your needs. Your local Social Services Department will be listed in your local telephone directory.
Q19. Where can I find the history of the hospital?