Board of Directors
The Trust is managed by the Board of Directors, which provides strategic leadership for the Trust; it sets its vision and its values and is responsible for ensuring the quality and safety of its services to patients.
The Board of Directors comprises of Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors; in addition to the Chairman and the Chief Executive.
The Chairman and the Non-Executive Directors are appointed by Council of Governors, and are external colleagues who bring an outside perspective to the work of the Board. They do not have any involvement with the operational management of the Trust, but hold the Executive Directors to account. The terms of their appointment are set out in the Trust’s Constitution.
The Executive Directors are appointed by the Non-Executive Directors, and are collectively responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of the Trust.
The backgrounds of the individual directors taken together give an appropriate balance of skills and experience to the Board.
The Directors’ remuneration is reported annually in the remuneration report, which can be found in the Trust’s Annual Report.
Board Committees
The Trust Board is supported by the following Committees, which are chaired by Non-Executive Directors:
- People and Culture
- Audit and Risk
- Finance and Planning
- Charitable Funds
- Quality & Safety
- Digital, Education, Research, Innovation and Commercialisation
- Remuneration
To view the Terms of Reference, please see the Board Governance Pack.