Equality and Diversity

On this page you will find information regarding the work the Trust is undertaking to meet its statutory duties for equality and diversity.


Equality Delivery System (EDS)


The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is committed to introducing the new Equality Delivery System (EDS) launched by the Department of Health. This provides a tool which will help us to deliver against our statutory requirements in promoting equality and the value of diversity of our staff and service users.


What is the Equality Delivery System (EDS)?


The EDS is a tool which will be used in every NHS organisation in England.  In partnership with patients, the public, staff and staff-side organisations it will be used to review equality performance and to identify future priorities and actions.

Wherever you go for NHS services you will find organisations working to the same set of goals around equality, diversity and human rights. These are:

  1. Better Health Outcomes for all
  2. Improved patient access and experience
  3. Empowered, engaged and well supported staff
  4. Inclusive leadership at all levels


Why do we need to implement the Equality Delivery System (EDS)?


The EDS will ensure that the Trust meets its Public Equality Duty as required within the Equality Act 2010 and is consistent with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) compliance framework.


What is its purpose?


The primary purpose of the EDS is to create conversations between NHS Organisations and their patients, the public and stakeholders. These conversations will help us to assess our performance, and with your help enable us to agree what equality objectives should be prioritised and the actions required. The Trust’s EDS process will help to better identify, verify and effectively align our services to meet the needs of all patient groups.


Who does the EDS cover?


The EDS covers all those people with characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. There are nine characteristics in total:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender re-assignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race including nationality and ethnicity
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation


What are the benefits?


The introduction of the EDS will help to recognise, encourage and highlight the undoubted good practice and evidence that already exists at the Trust but at the same time ensure there is better or consistent engagement with our local communities, any gaps are identified and addressed and become more reflective of the community it serves at all grades and positions.


Annual Update


To find out much more detail of the work and progress made against the EDS, please view the Equality & Diversity Annual Report.