Council of Governors

The Council of Governors has an important role to play in the governance of the Trust. They represent the interests of the members as a whole and the interests of the public. They also hold the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board of Directors.


The Council of Governors Annual report gives information on what the Council achieved during the year. Please click here for the Council of Governors Annual Reports.


Following the implementation of the Health and Social Care Act (2012), the composition of the Council of Governors has changed.

Our Council of Governors consists of:


  •  Public Governors (9)
  •  Staff Governors (3)
  •  Stakeholder Governors (3)
  •  Total Council of Governors (15)


If you are interested in becoming a governor you can get more information from our Governors Information pack or by contacting


Our Constitution


You can download a copy of Our Constitution here


Contact the Governors


You can email the Public or Staff Governors at