Veterans' Hub

The Headley Court Veterans' Orthopaedic Centre, (HC-VOC) dedicated Veterans Hub, offers support 5 days a week and is coordinated through the Shropshire Armed Forces Outreach team alongside service charities and associated agencies. 


The quiet rooms are designed for veterans to relax during individual face-to-face meetings. The Armed Forces Outreach Coordinator, along with over 20 Veteran volunteers with relatable experience, will offer advice and guidance for those attending clinics. Comprehensive out of hours information is always available to take away.


Whilst Lt Col Meyer, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at the hospital, was providing outstanding clinical services to almost 2,000 veterans a year from around the country, essential welfare support was not readily available to them. Keen to transform services to veterans, he made an approach to Shropshire Council about providing an outreach session to tie in with veteran clinics and offering wrap around support. This has now developed into what is on offer today.


Patients must be referred to the Veterans' Orthopaedic Service through their GP. More here.

The holistic wrap around support for veterans is accessible 9am - 4pm, Monday to Friday.


For out of hours queries there is a drop box in the foyer.


The outreach support service is available for staff, patients, and the community, to assist with:


  • Benefits and pension queries
  • Mental and physical health

Regimental Shield Plaque Display


A wall inside the Veterans’ Hub has been dedicated to Regimental Wall Shield Plaques, donated by veterans nationwide. The plaque wall gives the opportunity for our service personnel, veterans, and their families to donate plaques, crests and badges which represent their time in service.


For the Navy this is generally a ship/boat that they have served on, and they call them crests or badges. For the Army and Royal Air Force, the plaques represent units/bases, corps, or regiments.


For many veterans that have been under the care of the hospital presenting us with something for the wall is their way of saying thank you.


We are very grateful for all the generous donations thus far.


To donate a plaque, they can be either dropped of at the hub or sent in to the hospital addressed to care of the veterans hub.



The volunteer run on site café has a variety of hot and cold drinks to enjoy with a tasty treat. 


Opening times:

Monday - Friday - 9am - 4pm