Hip Films
These information films are for those having hip replacement surgery at RJAH.
Please be reassured that there is no explicit medical imagery in the film; you will not see any operations, blood or needles.
- Hip Replacement Surgery
This film shows the entire patient journey from arrival at the pre op clinic for the initial assessment to the physiotherapy and final x-ray after the operation before returning home. This film will introduce a whole range of staff and explain their roles thoroughly so things are less daunting on the day.
This is the first film in a two part sequence; once you have watched this film it is highly recommended that you watch the Activities After Hip Replacement Surgery film.
- Activities After Hip Replacement Surgery
This film covers the exercises and techniques for getting up and about safely following a hip replacement operation. The advice is based on patients getting back on their feet the same day as they have surgery. The video demonstrates how to make basic, everyday movements soon after surgery, with health professionals providing clear, specific instructions.
This is the second film in a two part sequence; if you have not already done so it is advised that you watch the Hip Replacement Surgery film prior to watching this film.
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