Orthopaedic Therapy Team
Inpatient therapy
Therapy services are an integral part of the services offered at RJAH. The team consists of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Therapy Support Workers. Together we work with other members of the medical team such as Doctors, Anaesthetists and Nurses to ensure your rehabilitation runs as smoothly as possible.
Inpatient therapy involves treating patients on the ward following surgery. You will be assessed and treated according to the type of surgery and your individual need. This may include;
- giving you advice and education about your surgery,
- mobilising you after your surgery
- teaching you exercises to help improve your muscle strength and joint mobility.
- practising activities of daily living whilst in hospital e.g. dressing, walking, stair practice.
Our aim is to work with you to plan your discharge in order to ensure you are safe to go home after your operation.
Help us to help you
In preparation for your hospital stay please consider the following with respect to your home environment:
- Have you got any help at home?
- Organise family, friends to help with daily activities eg. cooking, cleaning, shopping
- Consider how you will look after yourself at home eg. washing and dressing, think about preparing meals prior to admission, use online shopping delivery
- Could external agencies provide help? You can loan equipment from your local Red Cross e.g if you are asked to be non-weight bearing they may provide you with a wheelchair.
- Can home be organised to provide you more space?
- Remove potential hazards eg. rugs, improve lighting,wear appropriate footwear. Consider bringing a bed downstairs.
- Please provide the hospital with any information requested prior to your admission e.g. furniture heights form (currently required for patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery).
- Plan your lifts to and from hospital
- If you are concerned you could Investigate the possibility of self-referral to social services or liaise with your GP regarding ongoing convalescence closer to home.
- If you take a cancellation and have your operation earlier than discussed at pre-op clinic,please contact the Orthopaedic Therapy Team on the telephone number below.
For further advice you can contact the Orthopaedic Therapy Team on 01691 404240.
Intensive Rehabilitation Programme
We offer an intensive rehabilitation programme for inpatients and outpatients (day attenders) who are referred by their RJAH consultant. Referrals are usually made because the consultant thinks that it will help:
- to prevent the need for surgery
- to aid with mobilisation following surgery e.g. stiff knees or shoulders
- to maximise the outcomes following surgery
- to optimise the use of your orthotic device e.g. Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFOs)
- to provide you with a self-care rehabilitation programme to use at home
Following referral you will receive a letter/telephone call with details of how to arrange an appointment with the lead physiotherapist to begin the intensive rehabilitation programme.
The intensive rehabilitation programme is a minimum of five days but depending on your individual treatment plan, it may be up to three weeks duration. Patients may be inpatients on the ward or travel daily depending on your circumstances. Day attenders will usually attend from 8.30am until mid-afternoon.
You will be assessed at the beginning of the programme and a treatment plan will be developed in liaison with your consultant and the multidisciplinary team. This may include Orthotics, Wound care specialist nurse, ORLAU team and the Chronic Pain team.
You will be part of group (normally of four people) where some activities will be undertaken together as well as individual activities focussing on your tailored treatment plan. Activities may include manual therapy, exercises, hydrotherapy and using gym equipment. You will be supported by the lead physiotherapist, therapy support workers and pool assistants.
You will need to:
- wear comfortable clothes and suitable shoes e.g. trainers, for undertaking exercises and using gym equipment
- bring swim wear and a towel
- bring any medications you need to take
At the end of the programme your progress will be reviewed by your consultant and any follow-on treatment discussed with you.
For more information on the Intensive Rehabilitation Programme please contact: Rob Fox, Lead Physiotherapist on 01691 404240.